Author’s Coffee is one of SUWC’s most popular groups. They gather each month in a home near the campus and listen to a local author discuss his or her work. Then there are sales and book signings. Joan Hancock, who has done a fantastic job, will be passing the torch. She coordinated several wonderful authors talks as you can see from the list below.
If you’re interested in heading up Author’s Coffee in the 2013-14 year, please contact Audrey Gold ( It’s doesn’t take much: You choose an author from a designated list; choose a location from a designated list; and request refreshments. Easy.
Nancy Packer – “Old Ladies” (A Collection Of Short Stories), Zoe Klippert – “An Englishwoman In California”(1871-1876 Letters), Ann Ranieri & Joe Gurkoff – “How Can I Help?”, Herant Katchadourian – “The Way It Turned Out” (A Memoir), Marilyn Yalom – “How The French Invented Love”, Stephen Haber – “Mexico Since 1980”, Bill Carter – “Causes And Spirits – Five Decades”