Protected: VAF& ETC:Tour of the Anderson Collection
19 Tuesday Nov 2024
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19 Tuesday Nov 2024
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18 Monday Nov 2024
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in≈ Comments Off on Author’s Coffee
24 Sunday Oct 2021
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What a wonderful start to our year at the Hoover House Autumn Brunch with more than 80 of our members in attendance. The weather was beautiful and we had a lovely event on the lawn with plenty of room to socially distance, enjoy good food, remind ourselves of the great activities provided by our sections, and finally get to say hello in person!
Many thanks to Kathryn Kim, Shannon Rose McEntee, and Bev Sarver, our terrific Program Committee, for helping to coordinate with our hostess, Dr. Mary Hynes, and the staff at the Hoover House. Many thanks to Dr. Hynes for opening up her beautiful home to us. And, also thanks to everyone who helped make it happen: Joan Hancock and Teresa Judd of Hospitality, Katie Vigeant of Sections, and Audrey Gold, Letitia Lai, and Abi Fafchamps.
We look forward to a year of great programs and activities. Watch the Preview for more details.
Linda and Ronna
25 Saturday Sep 2021
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in≈ Comments Off on A Message From Our Co-Presidents to the Members, September 2021
We are entering the 126th year of the Stanford University Women’s Club with a bit more uncertainty than last year. Students will be back on campus (fully vaccinated and routinely tested) and many activities are getting back to normal, but there are still limitations due to COVID and the situation remains fluid. You should have received an electronic invitation to this year’s Hoover House Brunch hosted by Dr. Hynes. Details are forthcoming on the event so watch your inboxes for any updates on the specifics.
As you all know, we had a wonderful last year in spite of COVID. Our sections remained strong through the use of Zoom and our ability to adapt to the unprecedented times. However, we are all anxious to get back to some things in person. Going forward, we will try to combine the best of all worlds so we have many options for people to participate in and feel a part of the group. Some sections will meet in person, if possible, others will offer their programs on Zoom, or we will experiment with a hybrid approach. In addition, our Program Committee is working hard on a variety of interesting programs while being mindful of the COVID limitations. As always, we encourage our members to invite prospective members who are eligible to join SUWC.
No matter what, either virtual or in person, we are certain to have another exciting year! Please let us know if we can answer any of your questions regarding our programs and do let us know if you have some events or programs you wish we might possibly schedule. We are always interested in your input.
Linda and Ronna
18 Wednesday Aug 2021
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in≈ Comments Off on Welcome to the New Board 2021 -2022
Elected Positions
Co-presidents – Linda Kraemer and Ronna Widrow
Past presidents – Amy Krehbiel and Lou Ann Glader
VP Sections – Katie Vigeant
VP Programs – Kathryn Kim, Bev Sarver, and Shannon Rose McEntee
VP Membership – Letitia Lai
VP Communications – Theresa Chung
Treasurer – Abi Fafchamps
Recording Secretary – Cheryl Houston
Corresponding Secretary – Ellen McLennan
Preview Editor – Marina Lewis
Appointed Positions
Refreshments: TBD
Hospitality: Joan Hancock, Teresa Judd
Decorations: Gerda Wilson
Mailings: Ann Vosti
Parliamentarian: Allyn Taylor
Historian: Estee Greif
New Members: Kelly Zhang Steele
11 Wednesday Aug 2021
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The August Preview, electronic version only, will be emailed to members towards the end of August. The first issue for the new academic year 2021-2022 will be mailed in mid-September.
02 Wednesday Jun 2021
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in≈ Comments Off on Thank You from Our Co-Presidents
June 2021
When we started our year we were hopeful that we would be going back to normal activities in the Fall of 2020. Alas, that was not to be the case.
The welcome tea at the President’s House became a wonderful Zoom event with breakout rooms which gave a chance for members to chat in smaller groups. Our Program Committee continued on with some other terrific programs on Zoom, including a fitness program, a make-up demonstration, a Valentine exchange, and a St. Patrick’s Day party.
Our sections continued to develop on Zoom and most continued on throughout the year. It was great to be able to have members who live out of the area join us. We added a new Bollybhangra section and the other sections kept things lively and going strong. All of our section leaders became very proficient on Zoom and added new capabilities, such as doing cooking demos in the Cuisine Club. Author’s Coffee opened up to the whole membership so we were all able to hear the speakers. There were many comments on how well we were able to keep things going in an exciting way and how much people looked forward to the Zoom sections. Additionally, membership in our book clubs grew, both our afternoon and evening sessions.
We are not sure exactly what the next year will bring. The board will be working on how to keep things going as we are able to get back to meeting in person and perhaps still offer some things on Zoom – so stay tuned!
With many thanks to everyone,
Ronna and Linda
24 Wednesday Mar 2021
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in≈ Comments Off on SUWC St. Patrick’s Day Gathering
St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th, members joined together on Zoom for a fun St. Patrick’s Day Gathering. Everyone came dressed in green and prepared to celebrate with everything from Irish whiskey to green tea.
Many members contributed to a wonderful hour of Irish culture. We shared limericks, poetry, art, music, humor, history and personal memories of celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. We concluded with a toast and a fun limerick from Kathryn Spitzer Kim:
The 2021-2022 slate proposed by the nominating committee was announced and will be voted on at the Open Board Meeting on April 8th. Hope to see everyone there!
Bev, Kathryn, and Vicki
Programs Committee
03 Sunday Jan 2021
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in≈ Comments Off on Annual SUWC Welcome Reception : Tea, Cookies, and Conversation
On November 12, sixty-five members joined our virtual Annual SUWC Welcome Reception: Tea, Cookies and Conversation. We launched the party with a welcome remark from our presidents Linda Kraemer and Ronna Widrow. Daxue Xu led a discussion of the teas that she and Meng Sui had selected for our party bags. We then separated into breakout rooms to sip our tea and munch on our treats while discussing our club activities and catching up with friends. Everyone had such a good time during the two breakout sessions that we decided to have a third chat before saying goodbye for the day. Stay tuned for another club-wide Zoom party in March!
Happy New Year!
Bev, Kathryn, and Vicki
Programs Committee
04 Sunday Oct 2020
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in≈ Comments Off on Our SUWC in These Unusual Times October 2020
As we have started our new academic year we have again asked our members to renew their membership to SUWC. Enclosed with last month’s Preview we sent to you a membership renewal form. If you’ve not already done so, please do remember to remit your form. You know your options are to send a check or pay via Zelle (a payment service offered through most banks). Being a member is particularly important these days because we offer so many interesting programs, and many of them are via Zoom online. If you have a friend who is eligible to be a member of our group and who is interested in one or the other section activity, then please invite her to one of the section meetings and then ask her to become a member. As you know our sections are open only to members. We welcome your introductions. Dues this year are being used to offset the cost of Zoom subscription for our sections and programs. If you need help getting on Zoom or using it, please reach out to Linda Kraemer.