The Visual Arts section offers a wide variety of events, such as: lectures, visits to museums and artists’ studios, and special viewings of private collections. This year, we are looking forward to introducing a few exciting art workshops. If you have questions, suggestions for activities or if you want to add your name to our email list, complete the contact form below to send Danièle Archambault, our chair, a message.
First event of this year: Thursday, October 15, 2015, 1:30 to 3:30 PM
Coloring Towns and Gardens!
House of Danièle Archambault, Palo Alto.
Although adult coloring books have been around for quite a long time, they are now experiencing remarkable popularity. These days, you can’t walk into a bookstore without noticing the eye-catching display of adult coloring books.These adult coloring books are often quite different from the ones geared towards young children: The designs are more complex and the subjects are chosen to appeal to a mature public. Mandalas, gardens and reproductions of famous paintings are quite popular. For example, Basford’ Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book sold over 2 millions copies since its released in 2013. For some people, coloring books offer a great outlet to de-stress and relax. For others, it is a wonderful way to express their creativity and their love of color.
Try it and see what all the excitement is about!
Our afternoon will begin with a short information session on color theory and the techniques of coloring pencils. Participants will then select a page from one of two adult coloring books: Enchanting Gardens by Nikolett Corley and Fantastic Cities by Steve MC Donald. We will then spend the rest of the afternoon enjoying refreshments (wine, tea, and cookies) and coloring in friendly company. The event is limited to 12 people. The $5 registration fee covers all materials and refreshments.
Two videos worth watching:
- Steve McDonald talks about his Adult coloring book: Fantastic Cities.
2. A video example of colored pages