Book Group Says Farewell to Toby Montgomery
In the tradition of long-serving Nancy Rubenstein, who chaired Book Group (1998 to 2011), Toby also has done a phenomenal job of chairing for the last six years. Both Nancy and Toby were honored at the October meeting of Book Group with gifts and affectionate expressions of gratitude for their generous and continued commitment to leadership. We are all sad to have Toby leave the Stanford community and saluted her with Lou Ann Glader’s beautifully-decorated cake.
In the last two years, Book Group membership grew to such an extent that we needed to begin a reservation system, 2017-2018, that would monthly match attendance to the occupancy limit for each hostess. Suzie Lincoln joined as third co-chair with Toby and Janet Germane, specifically to manage these monthly reservations. Now, with the imminent departure of Toby, the trio of co-chairs will be Suzie, Janet, and Katie Vigeant.
Our new evening group meets on the same second Monday as the afternoon group and is led by Allyn Taylor and Debbie Shepherd. Two meetings now accommodate more members. A very good way to start the year. Please see the Preview newsletter for more information. Thank you to Janet Germane for writing this post. Photos by Kelly Steele.