It is with sincere appreciation that we thank Preview Editor Vera Blume. Since 1989 she has been – with a few interruptions – writing and editing our monthly newsletter. She has done an amazing job coordinating information from our many section chairs, program committee members and other volunteers. Her partner, Anne Vosti, will continue to stamp and address the printed copies. Last year, Vera traveled with a medical team and volunteered for two weeks as pharmacist in a hospital in rural Cambodia. Vera is very appreciative of the camaraderie and friendship she experienced over the years within the SUWC. We welcome Marina Lewis as the new Preview editor. We also honor and thank previous editors.
Martha Lyons 1988
Vera Blume 1989-1991
Edythe Hickman 1992-1993
Vera Blume 1994-1998
Natalie Weber 1999
Dallas Manning 2000-2004
Bernie Scoles 2005-2010
Vera Blume 2011-2017