The Stanford University Women’s Club was founded in 1896 by Jessie Knight Jordan, wife of then Stanford President, David Starr Jordan. The real value of our club remains true to our founder’s goal. Mrs. Jordan’s goal was to create a club that would promote good friendships, welcome newcomers to the university, and enable women to share mutual interests.
Recently, our club lost long time member, Marianne Marx. At her service, a former student described her as “Facebook before Facebook.” Marianne was someone who enjoyed getting to know others and had a remarkable memory for relationships. For many years she coordinated the teaching associates (TAs) in the Electrical Engineering department and matched them with professors. Marianne made everyone feel welcomed and important.
My wish is that all of us make an effort to be part of our vibrant club. On-line social networks such as Facebook, Nextdoor, and Yahoo Groups do not replace the warmth of a smile, a friendly hello or a pleasant in-person introduction of a new acquaintance. We all need to feel important and wanted. As the 2014-15 academic year concludes, YOU are most warmly invited to attend the Open Board Meeting with Professor Paul Oyer on Wednesday, April 22nd, and our annual Spring Tea on Friday, May 15th. Please come “Relax, Connect and Enjoy.”
As well, please remember we have many small special interest groups, known as “sections,” that meet on a more regular basis. All the details are found in the “Preview” newsletter that comes out about once a month between October and May. It is never too late to check one out.
Marianne would have been delighted to know when someone met a friend through the Stanford University Women’s Club.