Welcome to the Stanford Women’s Club 121st year!
We are planning a full schedule of activities including art, music, cuisine, talks by faculty members, and parties in the lovely gardens of campus homes. As always, all the work of keeping the club going is done by the members. We hope all those eligible to do so will join us for fun, friendship and learning opportunities. An exciting 2017-2018 schedule of events and sections will be announced in the fall. Hope you have a great summer!
Congratulations to the 2017-18 volunteers elected or appointed.
Co-Presidents: Ronna Widrow & Ellen McLennan
Past President: Roslyn Bienenstock
Sections: Amy Krehbiel
Programs: Fang Tian and Lou Ann Glader
Membership: Letitia Lai
Communications: Audrey Gold
Secretaries: Carol Kornfeld and TW Wiedmann
Treasurer: Bernie Scoles
Preview Editor: Marina Lewis
Hospitality: Dallas Manning and Teresa Judd
Refreshments: Abi Fafchamps, Junko Nakauchi, Diane Levin
Decorations: Nancy Rubenstein and Gerda Wilson
Mailing: Anne Vosti
Parliamentarian: Susan Olshen
Historian: Joy Scott
New Member Welcome: Susan Zare and Daxue Xu