One of the best reasons to join SUWC is all the interesting women you may meet from our community. Many have lived and traveled around the world including Molly Agras. Molly has been a member for more than 40 years. Her friend Sunny Scott describes her as a “power house of inter-connectivity.”
When her husband joined the Medical School Faculty in 1972, Molly came to Stanford via the U.K having left Great Britain in 1956. For about five years, she served as President of the Medical Wives’ Club which dissolved in the late 70’s. Molly has been an entrepreneur for most of her life. She owned and managed “Courtyard Collection” in downtown Palo Alto, from 1977–1995, where she sold imported furnishings, art and textiles. A particular focus was the flat woven rugs called Kilims. She recalls fondly that there were many small businesses being run by local women. Molly traveled the globe including Europe and Eastern Asia to collect goods. Her talent for interior design led to more work after the shop closed.
Later in life Molly found a passion for jewelry making. She calls her style “classic ethnic” where she incorporates tribal silver with incredibly beautiful beads from many countries. Molly personally invites you to come check out her lovely pieces at a benefit being held at Sunny’s campus home (610 Gerona Road) on Friday & Saturday, November 3 & 4, from 3-5 pm. All profits support worthy causes including the Ecumenical Hunger Program and other not for profit organizations.
If you know another interesting member that you would like to see profiled, please contact Audrey Gold.