We are entering the 126th year of the Stanford University Women’s Club with a bit more uncertainty than last year. Students will be back on campus (fully vaccinated and routinely tested) and many activities are getting back to normal, but there are still limitations due to COVID and the situation remains fluid. You should have received an electronic invitation to this year’s Hoover House Brunch hosted by Dr. Hynes. Details are forthcoming on the event so watch your inboxes for any updates on the specifics.
As you all know, we had a wonderful last year in spite of COVID. Our sections remained strong through the use of Zoom and our ability to adapt to the unprecedented times. However, we are all anxious to get back to some things in person. Going forward, we will try to combine the best of all worlds so we have many options for people to participate in and feel a part of the group. Some sections will meet in person, if possible, others will offer their programs on Zoom, or we will experiment with a hybrid approach. In addition, our Program Committee is working hard on a variety of interesting programs while being mindful of the COVID limitations. As always, we encourage our members to invite prospective members who are eligible to join SUWC.
No matter what, either virtual or in person, we are certain to have another exciting year! Please let us know if we can answer any of your questions regarding our programs and do let us know if you have some events or programs you wish we might possibly schedule. We are always interested in your input.
Linda and Ronna