What a wonderful start to our year at the Hoover House Autumn Brunch with more than 80 of our members in attendance. The weather was beautiful and we had a lovely event on the lawn with plenty of room to socially distance, enjoy good food, remind ourselves of the great activities provided by our sections, and finally get to say hello in person!

Many thanks to Kathryn Kim, Shannon Rose McEntee, and Bev Sarver, our terrific Program Committee, for helping to coordinate with our hostess, Dr. Mary Hynes, and the staff at the Hoover House. Many thanks to Dr. Hynes for opening up her beautiful home to us. And, also thanks to everyone who helped make it happen: Joan Hancock and Teresa Judd of Hospitality, Katie Vigeant of Sections, and Audrey Gold, Letitia Lai, and Abi Fafchamps.

We look forward to a year of great programs and activities. Watch
the Preview for more details.

Linda and Ronna